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打开奶粉3个月后 建议继续喝酒吗?是因为营养流失吗?

匿名用户提问时间:2024-08-21 10:26:54浏览:44回答:1手机端查看


由于营养损失,不建议在开放3个月后继续饮用奶粉。此外,几个月后,奶粉很容易湿度和结块,并且容易变质。因此,建议在开放3个月后不要继续食用奶粉。奶粉开封后最好在1个月内食用完,这样奶粉的营养成分不会流失或变质,可以给宝宝提供充足的营养。如果您为婴儿吃了3个月以上,则可能是婴儿腹泻和腹痛,依此类推。MS不建议由于营养损失而开放3个月后继续饮用奶粉。此外,几个月后,奶粉很容易湿度和结块,并且容易变质。因此,建议在开放3个月后不要继续食用奶粉。奶粉开封后最好在1个月内食用完,这样奶粉的营养成分不会流失或变质,可以给宝宝提供充足的营养。如果您为婴儿吃了3个月以上,则可能是婴儿腹泻和腹痛,依此类推。奶粉开封3个月后不建议继续喝的原因 1、养分损失一般奶粉开封后1个月,里面的营养成分,如氨基酸、维生素C、维生素E等,可能会被空气中的氧气和高温氧化,营养成分会逐渐流失。婴儿不仅不增加营养,而且对婴儿的健康不利;2.因潮湿而结块在完全密封之前,奶粉将经历喷水和干燥的过程。如果牛奶粉中的水分存储不当,它将很容易变得潮湿而凝聚。3.容易腐烂打开奶粉后,它将与空气接触,空气中有大量的微生物。 The proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. in the milk powder are suitable for bacterial reproduction and are prone to deterioration. If you eat too much milk powder, diarrhea, abdominal distension, vomiting and other conditions will occur, which will even cause food poisoning.Milk powder should be eaten in time after opening, and pay attention to the storage method. It is best to put milk powder in a shading and dry and cool place to avoid deterioration at high temperatures. If the baby is eaten, the baby's monthly age cannot be eaten by a large can of milk powder within the specified time. You can choose a small can of milk powder for the baby. By the age of baby, the number of milk powder is increased, and the amount of milk powder has also increased. You can buy a large can of milk powder for your baby.



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